
Welcome to my website! Here will be a one-stop location for everything you need to know about Jeffrey MacNab (The Butter Apple). Here you will find many posts on projects that I have either worked on or am currently working on. As well as resume and contact details. Keep an eye on this site if you are interested!

Capstone | Projects

Capstone: Lore System

In our capstone project, we also have a Lore System. The basic functionality is pretty simple, there’s a database file that has all the current entries that the lore system can use. When one of those entries is interacted with, that will become unlocked in the lore menu. Each entry is designated an id, category,…

Capstone | Projects

Capstone: Decree System

In our capstone game, we also have a decree/commission system. This system is designed to give the player a constant stream of random quests to complete. The basic functionality is when a player interacts with the decree board they will be able to select 2 of 4 random quests. Once they’re both completed, all 4…


Untitled Unreal Racing Game

Around the same time as I started working on creating a game engine, I also began working on a racing game! Untitled for the moment but it is being built in Unreal Engine. The game features vehicles using Unreals PhysX physics, proper position and checkpoint system, AI vehicles that will speed up and slow down…

Capstone | Projects

Capstone: Dialogue System

For our capstone project, I designed and implemented a dialogue system. The system went through a few versions but I will discuss the most recent version. This system was designed and implemented for Unity 3D. The system utilizes a node editor. Each node has a name and a line. The name refers to the speaker…

Capstone | Projects

Capstone: Quest System

For our Capstone project, I designed a Quest System in Unity. How it works is you have a Quest object, it has an array of Tasks. When a task is completed it will move on to the next until the Quest is completed. The tasks that are currently implemented in our game are: Go To…


Butter Engine

Butter Engine is a custom Game Engine I have been working on since April 2021. It includes many features such as: Rendering: OpenGL Render engine with Textures, Shaders and Models Dynamic Material Creator and Manager when importing models Material Editor that supports different maps: Base Color, Normal, Metallic and Roughness Lighting with PBR shaders Skybox…